Renewal, talent to develop and ambition, the three levers on which the Lagonegro Rinascita is working hard to build the 2024/2025 roster. The third new addition in chronological order responds perfectly to these characteristics: the identikit is that of Filippo Franza, opposite role, born in 2002, born and raised in Salento, i.e. of Ugentine origins, a land where one has always breathed and enjoyed volleyball. President Carlomagno’s Club wanted to ensure Filippo’s performances after admiring his talent among the ranks of Pag Taviano, in series B, a team that in the last championship – after an excellent regular season which ended in second place in group H – came close to promotion to A3 only wasted in the playoffs at the hands of Domotek Reggio Calabria. From the youth team with the Volleyball Ugento shirt, then passing through the C series and B, the arrival at Rinascita will represent for him the first experience in the top championship, which he is already looking forward to with emotion: “I am honored to be part of the prestigious club of Lagonegro. I didn’t hesitate for a moment to accept when I learned of the interest in me. I believe it is the right place to improve further, I will find an important technical and athletic staff, as well as very high level teammates. I will be encouraged to put maximum effort into achieving the objectives set by the Club. I salute the fans, our extra weapon.”