Tomorrow at 5pm Emma Villas Siena will play the first test match of their pre-season. He will do it at the PalaEstra against San Giustino, a team that plays in the A3 series. It will be the first moment to evaluate the progress made by the group coached by coach Gianluca Graziosi in the preparation phase, now that the group has reached the fourth week of training before the start of the tournament.

Today the team carried out a double training session at PalaEstra: weights in the morning and technique in the afternoon in the sports hall in Viale Sclavo. “We arrive at the first test match after three full weeks of training in which we worked well and created the foundations to play our volleyball – declares Emma Villas Siena’s opposite, Gabriele Nelli. – Group chemistry always makes the difference in a team, and now we have also come to train in our home, at PalaEstra, where we will play our internal championship matches. We can’t wait to get on the pitch, we have various friendly matches ahead of us in which we will be able to test ourselves and compare ourselves with other teams.”

“A test match is useful for us from a physical point of view and also for refining our schemes – adds Nelli. – It also allows us to understand what we can and must still grow in order to further raise the level of our game. Up to this moment we have done well, with a desire to work and commit ourselves. We are becoming familiar with our field, we want to bring our qualities and potential to the maximum level. I feel very good, aware that we are just at the beginning of the journey and that I still have to work a lot to get to the top of my level.”