The Tinet Prata boys are training hard. The weekly objective is to close the round of 16 series of the Serie A2 Del Monte Italian Cup against Wow Green House Aversa in two games. Not a simple operation for Dante Boninfante’s boys who, although confident thanks to the triple 3-0 obtained this season against the Campania team, do not trust a team that has great experience within itself and which at home, pushed by the friendly public, could find certainties that he had lost during the trip to Pordenone.
Furthermore, Tomasello’s team has overcome the period of inactivity to which exclusion from the Play Offs had forced it and will be ready to do battle.
In game 1, in addition to Baldazzi’s individual performance, his first of the season as a starter, it was above all the serve (6 aces to zero) and the block (8 point blocks against 4) that dug the furrow in terms of points, in addition to the desire for revenge of the gialloblù, after the bitter elimination in game 3 of the play-off quarter-finals against Ravenna.

“It’s never easy to return to the gym after being eliminated from the play offs – underlines Tinet striker Jernej Terpin – clearly no one would ever want to leave the competition. It wasn’t easy to approach the first leg against Aversa as well as we did. After exiting the play offs we focused on this new objective, the Italian Cup, and I believe that the motivations remained high. As a result we played an excellent match. Now it would be very important to close it on the return leg, so that we can have a whole week to prepare for the possible next round, in which we already know that the opponent will be Ravenna again.” A formula for the Italian Cup at the end of the season that is being tested for the first time this year, to guarantee fans the spectacle of high-level volleyball for a couple of months longer. “In reality, I preferred the previous formula, already tested – Terpin says sincerely – because now everything is played out only in the last month, while before the Italian Cup was a sort of intermediate goal. Now it becomes even more important to be fit in the last month alone. And the teams must also have that extra bit of luck to avoid ailments or injuries in this final period. Injuries that would jeopardize nine months of work.” Fourth match against Aversa, after 3 round victories.