So far he has only ever faced A2 opponents: first Cantù, then Brescia and finally Prata di Pordenone. But now, for Belluno Volley, the time has come to face a sextet of the same category: Gabbiano FarmaMed Mantova. Tomorrow (Wednesday 2 October, 6pm), in fact, the fourth pre-season test is scheduled: it will be played in Lombardy, at the “Marco Sguaitzer” sports hall.

MEASURE FOR COMPARISON – Center back Enrico Basso will frame the next joint training session: «We want to put on an excellent performance. We will think first of all about imposing our volleyball, without depending on the opponents, as has happened intermittently in the last tests with A2 teams. In any case, the outcome of the match is not important: what matters is having a comparison with a direct opponent in the championship.

HEAD LOW – Last Saturday’s face-to-face match with Tinet, now close to its official debut, confirmed the quality of the work done so far by the rhinos: «We are taking steps forward in terms of the game. On the other hand, to fight point to point with opponents of similar caliber, it means that we are doing something good.” Even during the week, not just on weekends: «Each of us arrives at the gym with our heads down and ready to sweat – continues the twenty-four year old originally from Padua -.

IDENTITY – Belluno Volley is acquiring its own identity, also from a technical point of view: «The break point phase seems to be achieved in a more natural way, compared to the ball change – concludes the central defender who has spent time in Motta, San Donà di Piave and Pineto – . And this may be the result of the effectiveness of some of our hitters, capable of making the opponent’s reception difficult.