In the second joint training session of the pre-season, ErmGroup Altotevere was defeated at the “Salvador Allende” stadium in Fano by Smartsystem Essence Hotels, newly promoted to Serie A2 after being opponents of the biancazzurri for several seasons – between B and A3. The Marche team prevailed in the first three sets with scores of 25-23, 25-19 and 25-20, while ErmGroup won the extra portion 26-24. The first set was very close, with the locals ahead 10-5, but also with a good response from ErmGroup thanks to a constantly improving Marzolla (the Venetian opponent played a set and a half), until they grabbed a draw at 19- 19 and in the end Fano closed at 25-23 with a risky play in the first half by the setter. The statement was clearer in the second half, in which the hosts took courage, also under the pressure of the friendly public and the good margin of advantage they had accumulated was managed to the end. In the third set, balance until halfway, then the ErmGroup became a little disunited and in the end took home the fourth, characterized by numerous changes. “We were coming off a tough week – commented coach Marco Bartolini – given the work we are doing in the morning in the gym and in the afternoon at the sports hall, taking care of both the physical and technical aspects. Then there was also the Siena test with Emma Villas and so we arrived in Fano a little “cooked”. They pushed hard in their serve, but we started quietly and slowly managed to put them in difficulty with the ball change, a fundamental thing on which everyone is struggling a bit.