The “4-legged Champions” event ended with a moment of great emotion: the arrival of Achille (in the photo together with the team), a labrador puppy destined to become the official mascot of ErmGroup Volley Altotevere and, above all, the future life partner of a little girl with disabilities. The event, organized by Volley Altotevere – from an idea of ​​Dr. Gianluca Neri, health manager – and by Ghismo Onlus, was held on Sunday 15 September in the outdoor spaces of the San Giustino building, giving the community a unique experience that united sport, entertainment and solidarity. Achille, welcomed with great affection by both adults and children, was symbolically handed over to the captain of the ErmGroup Altotevere, Niccolò Cappelletti, before starting his training journey. This special labrador will become an essential support for the little girl to whom he will be entrusted, thanks to the collaboration with Ghismo Onlus, the association that has been involved in the selection, breeding and preparation of dogs for social use for over 20 years. “Thanks to this event, everyone understood the exact scope of the project – said Dr. Massimo Floris, president of Ghismo Onlus – so I thank the club, the first team and Dr. Neri for having seized this opportunity”. The public was able to witness a series of extraordinary performances: three different dog associations were the protagonists, each with its own style and specialisation.