The ErmGroup San Giustino confirms another cornerstone of the team: the spiker Niccolò Cappelletti, born in 1996 and 196 centimeters tall, who will wear the blue and white for the third consecutive season. He arrived with the move to the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship and in two years he scored 762 points in total, of which 346 in the first and 416 in the second, when he covered his role as spiker in the initial 10 games and then replaced the injured Simone Marzolla and also proved to be effective as an opposite player (where he had previously played in the tie-break of the match in Bari), being the most prolific “hammer” of the ErmGroup with an average prolificacy of 42.9%. Without forgetting his powerful serve: 59 aces, which consecrated him as “king” of the specialty in A3 and which are added to the 21 winning blocks in the score. The personal best of the 2023/’24 season in the first leg match against Smartsystem Fano, when the points scored were 30. A fundamental prerequisite, the permanence of the strong athlete from Perugia, to maintain a high level of staff and the fact that San Giustino succeeded, despite the numerous requests made to him, transforms what in practice was a renewal into a sort of “big coup”. “I certainly don’t deny that, after the performances shown in the past championship – underlines Cappelletti – I had also received interesting offers, but I wanted to remain faithful to the San Giustino project and its validity. The company’s plans, which foresee a leap in quality in the future, reassured me and therefore convinced me to stay.” If anything, Cappelletti is expected to return to place 4. “Yes, I’m taking back my role, which is the one I feel most comfortable in: I also have the prerogatives of being an opposite player in my ropes, but I was “born” as a forward for the band . This is the job closest to me, the one on which I have built my career. The opposite experience has become an enrichment of my baggage and therefore an added value, so that I will be ready again for any eventuality as I did in December, when I said “yes” to the exceptional relationship that binds me to the company. I agreed to put myself to the test, knowing that I could also fail and instead I immediately gained confidence and awareness in my abilities”.