A player with enormous experience behind him, gained in higher categories, at the age of 35 he arrived at ErmGroup Altotevere to fill the void left in the free role by Davide Marra’s competitive leave. The analysis of the delicate moment of the team, penultimate in the White Group standings of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, is entrusted to Filippo Moltini, who alternates duties with Gian Marco Cioffi. Days later, is there still a bitter taste left in your mouth from last Sunday’s home defeat against Negrini Cte Acqui Terme? “I would say super-bitter in the mouth – said Poconi – because we missed that little bit (which was a lot) that would have allowed us to win at least one point, if not the whole thing, but this is sport, this is the volleyball. There are seasons that are favorable and others that are less so: in the current one, things are not going in the right direction so far, even if we have to look at those positive aspects that still exist.” The end of the third set and the beginning of the fourth compromised the outcome of the match. Why this new moment of confusion? “A blackout paid for dearly, but I complain about the first and third sets; indeed, in the fourth we did well to close a gap that had initially seen us 7 points behind. In the first set, as is now regularly happening, we lack that something capable of making the difference: thanks to our opponents, but also to our demerit; one more joke, attack or block would have been enough. They are those little dots that change the wind and then also change your mood for the week.”