Enrico Diamantini, 31 years old, 204 centimeters tall, is the new middle blocker of Cisterna Volley. After 13 seasons in the top flight, 1,038 points scored of which almost 300 were blocks, Diamantini is ready to try his hand at the next Super League championship with the Cisterna Volley shirt. Born in Fano on 4 April 1993, in the six years of his stay “Diama” raised the Champions League, the Club World Cup, three championships and two Italian Cups.

«I know how passionate the Pontine area is about volleyball and how much this club wants to continue to improve after what it did in the last Super League season, coming close to qualifying for the play-offs in a year in which they also had to absorb some important changes which then brought results that everyone could see – explains Diamantini – I have no doubts about the value of the club and the team and this helped me a lot in the choice: I know that the team is built well and that few changes have been made compared to the previous structure season, I don’t want to name names but I think the team is well set up and I realize that we will be able to get some satisfaction and, also on a personal level, I think it is exactly the right choice for me at this stage of my career.”

The center back from Fano, who in addition to the many seasons with Lube, starting right from the youth sector of the cooks, has also played in Molfetta, in Volley Potentino, in Padua, in Vibo Valentia and Ravenna.

«I consider myself a good teammate, I like being a group, I have always got along very well with everyone both on the pitch and in the locker room but also off the pitch where it is nice to build those relationships which then help to create an amalgam which then it helps to come out in difficult moments” clarifies the Cisterna Volley center back.

Diamantini then answered two specific questions about objectives, both personal and team, he adds. «On a personal level, even though I am 31 years old, I don’t see why we shouldn’t continue to improve. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to change my way of playing but certainly in Cisterna I will be able to take further steps that will lead me to grow further. also because in a complicated championship like the Super League you always have to get involved and always improve – he assures – Where would I like to grow? I would say from all points of view, even in the fundamental wall where I think I express myself better, but also in the others I would like to continue to progress to the full advantage of the support I will be able to give to the team.