The countdown continues in view of the start of the A2 series volleyball championship, set for next October 6th. That day Emma Villas Siena will play at home, at the PalaEstra, and will do so again many months after the last two official matches of last season, namely game 2 of the playoff final against Grottazzolina (played in front of 2,100 spectators in the stands of sports hall in Viale Sclavo) and the quarter-finals of the Italian Cup category against Brescia.

Now it’s time for a new sporting season, with the Sienese team which will see on the field some confirmations of what was last year’s lineup (Nevot, Trillini, Bonami and then Pellegrini and Coser, as well as coach Gianluca Graziosi on the bench) as well as to various new signings (such as, among others, Nelli and Randazzo).

Emma Villas Siena will begin their physical preparation in the second half of August. The team will begin training with October 6th as the date circled in red on the calendar. The first opponent of the Sienese will be Evolution Green Aversa, a team of highly experienced players such as Fernando Garnica and Salvatore Rossini. The Argentine setter, born in Buenos Aires, recently celebrated his 44th birthday: his CV includes two Super League seasons while the next one will be his twelfth year in Serie A2. He arrives in Aversa after having played in Bergamo, Castellana Grotte, Reggio Emilia and Porto Viro in recent years. Salvatore Rossini, on the other hand, recently celebrated his 38th birthday: for him it will be the second consecutive year in Aversa after the many years lived in Modena and the experience in Trento. He is one of the great names in Italian volleyball, having long been one of the best liberos in Italy and in the world. With the Italian national team he won medals at the European Championships, the World League and the Olympics.

Immediately on the first day the calendar offers the great challenge between Brescia and Cuneo, two teams that aspire to be protagonists in the next sporting season as well.

On the second day, Emma Villas Siena will experience their first away match of the championship, and will do so on the Pineto pitch, thus facing, among others, the former Matteo Zamagni. Another cartel challenge is scheduled for the second day as Catania hosts Brescia.

The championship of the Sienese team will then immediately come to life: because between the third and fourth day the team coached by coach Gianluca Graziosi will challenge two of the teams who have the objective of experiencing a tournament as protagonists. On the third day, scheduled for October 20th, the Sienese will go to play in Ravenna.