He arrives from the Modena Volleyball Academy, where he played for the last three seasons, the latest addition to Gabbiano Mantova for the 2024-2025 season. This is the young libero Duccio Bini, who will play alongside the other very young player, Andrea Marini, in the role.

Florentine from Bagno a Ripoli, Bini joins his friend Luca Tauletta in Mantua. Born in 2004, he got to know volleyball by going to see the matches of one of his father’s cousins, and from there the spark was born: «I started playing when I was 10 – he says – I went from Under 13 to Under 17 in Scandicci , starting as a setter. Before moving to the Modena Volley Academy I played in Florence. In Modena, however, I played in the Under 19s and in Serie B. Tauletta spoke to me about Mantua and I wanted to try to move up the category, interested in the club’s project. I also know Pinali. I’m a libero who makes receiving his strong point.” The desire to get involved in Serie A3 Credem Banca is therefore there: «I am ready, with a lot of confidence, enthusiasm and the desire to improve in a championship where it will not be easy for Gabbiano to repeat what it did on its debut» .

In the next few days the technical staff for the 2024-2025 season will be communicated, which will still have coach Simone Serafini as head coach.