The second new entry in the Cuneo Volley Serie A2 roster is Domenico Cavaccini, Libero born in 1987 arriving from Saturnia Acicastello (Catania). In his ninth season in Serie A, the player of Campania origin won the A2 Championship, Italian Cup and Super Cup two seasons ago with Vibo Valentia. The Cuneo club entrusts the second line to him and his experience, confident that he will be able to give great support to the team. Furthermore, “Mimmo” and “Sicci” have already played two seasons together in the Super League, in Cisterna, this will certainly be an advantage for the group.

« Sicci was my captain for two years in the Latina Super League and he is one of those examples that I still try to follow today; it makes me really happy to find him again, we share the same values ​​and the same sporting ideal, that is, the way we live everyday life in the gym.”

Mimmo, you have chosen to face the A2 championship as a starter in Cuneo, what do you expect from next season?
« I believe we chose ourselves together, Cuneo gives me the guarantees I was looking for, a virtuous project, with solid foundations, where the choices are opinionated and based on very precise internal evaluations. In reality, it’s not that I expect anything from the season, but rather I will make sure that it is as I would like it to be, that is, difficult, demanding, exciting!

You’ve already played in the Cuneo arena as an opponent with Vibo, you’ve toured several throughout Italy in these Super League years, what memories do you have of the Cuneo one?
« The Cuneo arena is an icon, an important piece of the history of Italian volleyball, playing there is always a great privilege, thanks above all to the fans».

Have you already had the opportunity to speak with coach Battocchio and the club?
« Yes, I have already spoken at length with almost everyone, and it is something that immediately made me enthusiastic, I felt the passion and the desire to immediately create a stimulating environment».

Is there something you would like to say to the public and to the white and blue world.
« In reality, we will give the most important message when we take to the field, that is where the true essence of a team and the spirit with which we face a championship are transmitted. I’m waiting to see the fans because I love the world of fans; Being a fan myself, I want to have that push that excites me. So I would say – “See you at the arena!” – communicating with actions is the thing I like most.”