It’s the dream of all kids starting their volleyball career. Doing the entire training course in the youth team and then being welcomed into the first team of your own, that team which since childhood represented both a dream and a goal. A path that can be an example for the many talented young people who populate the Volley Prata nursery.
This is exactly what happened to Diego Sist, a talented left-handed spiker born in 2005 who has already tasted the flavor of Serie A in training in recent years, but who, from this season, has been permanently included in the A2 Tinet roster.

“Having had the chance to get to A2 – says Sist who has worn the yellow-blue shirt since he was 11 – is both an honor and a responsibility. It is a reality that has been increasingly expanding at a national level in recent years and therefore it is even more important for me to continue wearing this shirt.”

It’s nothing new for you to train with Serie A, but the general public may not know you. Can you help us present your technical characteristics?

“It’s difficult to describe yourself in a few words but, if I had to do it with just one adjective, I would choose “determined”. In fact, I believe that every time you enter the gym for training or a match you need to focus on achieving your goals and helping the team express themselves to the fullest.”

Has there been any player who has particularly inspired you over the years?

“I choose two that I had the opportunity to admire this year. Jernej Terpin for being a strong and complete player and Alessio Alberini for the great energy and character he always brings to the pitch.”

Speaking of the pitch… What do you do off the pitch?

“At the moment I’m studying a lot, since I only need the oral exam to finish my high school diploma. Then I like to follow different sports in addition to volleyball and I don’t disdain going out with friends”