The Delta Group Porto Viro preseason is about to get underway: starting next weekend Daniele Morato’s boys will be involved in a series of close test matches with the aim of finding the rhythm of the match and oiling the game mechanisms ahead of the official debut on October 6th. For Captain Sperandio and his teammates there is a real “appetizer” of the Serie A2 Credem Banca 2024/2025 championship, given that the Delta Group will face three teams in the same category with home and away matches, for a total of six joint training.

The first match, set for Saturday 7 September at 6.30 pm, will be away, on the pitch of the newly promoted Smartsystem Essence Hotels Fano, led by the former Nerofuchsia coach Vincenzo Mastrangelo. Double home date the following week: on Wednesday 11 September (6.45 pm) the Tinet Prata of Pordenone of Mario Di Pietro (another former deltino) will land at the Palasport of Porto Viro, while on Saturday 14 September (5.45 pm) it will be the turn of Consar Ravenna of Antonio Valentini.

The same two opponents will receive the Delta Group at home seven days apart: the test at Prata’s home ground is scheduled for Wednesday 18 September (7pm), the one on the pitch in Ravenna is scheduled for Saturday 21 September (6pm). Closing the circle is the second and final match with Fano, which will take place in Porto Viro on Sunday 29 September (6pm). A week later the regular season will begin with the Delta Group chasing the first points at Cantù.