Francesco “Ciccio” Del Vecchio ready for a new year with Sieco Service Impavida Ortona. The experience and flexibility of the Apulian spiker will be one of Coach Denora’s weapons for the 2024/2025 season.

Born in ’87, and 195 centimetres height, Francesco Del Vecchio boasts a high-level CV which has also led him to play several championships in Serie A1. Despite his twenty-year career in the world of volleyball, the next championship will mark a new debut for Del Vecchio; the one in the Serie A3 championship.

Ciccio’s adventure in the world of Volleyball starts from Terlizzi’s Megaton and from the Under 15s he makes his way up to Serie B1, first passing through Serie C.

For the first time in Serie A2, Del Vecchio experiences it a few kilometers from home, in Gioia Del Colle. The following season in Molfetta there is a desire to do big things and so Del Vecchio agrees to go down a step to play in Serie B in a team that however has big objectives. Molfetta keeps his promises and, with his new seat four, takes the lift. At the first attempt he was immediately promoted to Serie A2. A season to acclimatise and then Del Vecchio & Co. are ready for the next upgrade that will take them straight to the Super League. The adventure in Serie A1 with the Molfetta team will be interrupted at the seventh season together to make a brief visit to Gioia del Colle, in Serie A2 until 8 February, when they will part ways. The following season, Del Vecchio wore the Geosat Lagonegro shirt, again in A2, marking his first personal experience away from his native Puglia.

After a short period away, Del Vecchio returns to Puglia in 2019/2020, playing for Castellana Grotte in Serie A2. Subsequently, he again opted for a move to a lower category, returning to Molfetta, which in the meantime had been relegated to Serie B.

For the 2023/2024 season, La Sieco calls and Francesco replies “Yes”. The agreement therefore establishes the return of Ciccio Del Vecchio to Serie A2 but the season will prove to be unfortunate and dotted with injuries to several key players. Ortona fails to achieve salvation and starts again from A3 but Francesco Del Vecchio remains a cornerstone of the fearless roster.