As we approach the Quarter Finals of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia, scheduled for 29 and 30 December, the press kit for this first phase of the competition is now available, which will present the four teams that will compete inside the Unipol Arena in Bologna to compete for the 47th edition of the trophy.

Inside the press kit, already inserted in the new section of the website, dedicated to the historical archive of the press kits of championships and events of the Serie A Volleyball League, it will be possible to find the presentation of the teams, previous participations and register of competition gold, plus winning players and coaches. All this to further prepare for the Final Four on 25 and 26 January 2025, when the second title of the season will be awarded in Bologna.

The press kit for the Quarter Finals of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia
Once the four Semifinalists are known, a second press kit will be published, including the data present in this first version, with all the information relating to the Final Four in Bologna.