The spiker hired by ErmGroup San Giustino comes from Lombardy and is a 19-year-old with already a lot of experience behind him, especially since he also won at youth level with the national team. This is Daniele Carpita, born in 2005 and 190 centimeters tall, coming from the Diavoli Rosa di Brugherio club, with which he played as a starter the last two seasons in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship and was an opponent of the biancazzurri two years ago in the White group. Raised in Volley Segrate, Carpita then moved to the Pink Devils in 2018, with whom he enriched his personal palmares: an Under 14 national title, two at Under 17 level and a Junior League; just over a month ago, he was a finalist in San Giustino in the Under 19 category, with the trophy going to Vero Volley Assiplan Monza. Even in the blue jersey, Carpita was European Under 18 champion and is still called up for the Junior collegiate meetings. As regards the first team chapter, he played on the Serie B pitches in the 2021/22 season with Powervolley Milano and in the two-year period of A3 with Brugherio he scored 267 points, including 28 aces and 26 winning blocks. For him, now, the arrival at ErmGroup constitutes a new page for several reasons: “It’s the first time I leave the borders of my region – explained Carpita – and therefore in San Giustino I will have to learn to manage my daily life outside of the house. It’s worth saying that I’m changing the scene in every sense, but above all I’ll be playing in an ambitious team.” Even if the week of the Under 19 national finals served to get to know the environment a little. “In those days I spoke to several people, I realized the beauty of the facilities and they spoke very well to me about the company”. On the pitch, Carpita will meet up with his friend Jacopo Biffi, a setter who has already been his teammate at the Pink Devils. “With him as director I played an A3 championship, so as regards the agreement with Jacopo we know each other well,” he underlined. An operation with a particular flavour, that of Carpita, for sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli: “Here is the real challenge this year! – he immediately exclaimed – The contacts with Daniele began in unsuspecting times and above all I clearly remember the first time I saw him play (two seasons ago in San Giustino in the return match of our first season in A3) and it was a beautiful sight .