With the closing of the 2023/24 season, CUS Cagliari Volley bids farewell and thanks some of the athletes protagonists of its recent history.

Daniele Ammendola, Simone Calarco, Andrea Durante, Alessandro Enna, Riccardo Muccione, Marco Sartirani and Luca Vitali leave the rossoblù colors after intense seasons, culminating with the historic promotion to Serie A3 achieved together in the 2022/23 season.

Likewise, the club thanks Ionut Ambrose, Slawomir Busch, Martin Kindgard and Matteo Miselli for the season just ended, their first together in Serie A3.

CUS Cagliari is also keen to underline the attachment to the shirt of the aforementioned athletes, who over the years have contributed to the growth of the sector and the achievement of historic goals and wishes them the best successes.