Cuneo closes the A2 roster and the spiking department with a young talent arriving from the Modena Super League and currently engaged with the Italian Under 20 national team in preparation for the European Championships in September; Andrea Malavasi will wear the white and blue shirt. The young man from Modena, born in 2005, chose the Cuneo club as his first experience away from home, the day after he reached his high school diploma, as did his teammates Agapitòs and Chiaramello.

« I considered Cuneo as my first experience away from home because I saw the beautiful project it has and I was immediately interested, then I saw the team they wanted to build in general and I was immediately convinced that it was the right choice».

Have you followed the A2, have you got an idea about the championship?
« Yes, the level is very, very high compared to what I expected, so I can’t wait to get to work».

Have you already had the opportunity to meet with coach Battocchio, what are the common objectives and what are your individual ones?
« Of course, I have already spoken to the coach and right from the start we made things clear and set ourselves some objectives, including trying to grow a lot physically and technically, so as to have greater possibilities on the pitch. Personally, I would like to become a very solid player in receiving and serving, things that I am already trying to do with the national team.”

Speaking of the national team, you received your first call-up at the age of 16 and you are still in the collegiate team with the Under 20s.
« Yes, in the past I have already had the opportunity to play for the national team at the Wevza Tournament and now I have been called up again for a team that will lead to the European Championships in September in Greece».

Is there anything you can’t wait to try and do in Cuneo? Maybe something you were told.
« I’ve never been to Cuneo so I will certainly go and visit the city because they told me very well about it. Casadei told me about when he played in Cuneo and spoke very well about it, also about the beautiful, close-knit fans and I can’t wait to hear them cheering and supporting us.”