Forgetting injuries and rediscovering the feeling with the pitch: in a word, being reborn. This will be the title of the second black fuchsia chapter by Gabriele Chiloiro. The spiker, born in 2004, 203 centimeters tall, renews his contract with Delta Group Porto Viro after missing practically the entire last championship (only one actual appearance on the pitch) due to a knee problem that emerged during preparation. The technical staff and management never stopped believing in his recovery, they “pampered” him throughout the season and then wanted to reconfirm him in the squad for next year.

Moreover, the potential of the Milanese athlete (he is originally from Vignate, but was born in Melzo) is indisputable, as his volleyball CV also testifies. At not even 20 years old, he has already played four seasons in Serie A (and scored 365 points), counting the three years (from 2020 to 2023) in A3 with Gamma Chimica Brugherio and the last one in Porto Viro. The youth path is also brilliant: Italian U17 Champion in 2021, Italian U19 Vice Champion in 2022, Italian U20 Champion in 2023, without forgetting the European Championship played with the U17 national team and the call-ups with the U19 national team.

After a year in the pits, Chiloiro is obviously eager to return to the Taraflex and repay the company’s trust: “This renewal is fundamental for my career, it makes me feel the esteem of the club, which has always believed in me and in my quality. Qualities that I now want everyone to discover. I want to thank all the people of Porto Viro and in particular President Veronese for this reconfirmation, it means a lot to me. After last summer’s ‘beaten’ I felt from the first moment the closeness of my teammates, the staff, the management, and also the fans who, despite not yet knowing me well, have always been by my side. It was a very complicated period both from a work and human point of view, and without the trust given to me it would have been more difficult to recover. I was only able to train for a few weeks but I took advantage of the opportunity to learn from my more experienced teammates, observing them for a long time and trying to ‘steal’ as many secrets as possible from them.”

It is inevitable to ask Chiloiro about his physical condition: “I am currently much better, the situation has stabilized and as I continue with work during this off-season period I will try to arrive in the best possible condition at the start of preparation. I will face next season with a great desire to learn from everyone and to demonstrate what I was unable to express last season. Yes, for me it will be a year of rebirth.”