After the announcement of Michele Totire as head coach and Edoardo Melato as assistant, the changes in the staff do not end here. Carlotta Vinciguerra will be in charge of the statistical surveys in the first team of the A3 series of Negrini CTE Acqui Terme who, from La Spezia, will arrive full time in the spa city and will cover both the role of scout and coach of the youth sector.

In her first interview, Acquese says: “I’m very excited about this experience. I have always played without reaching exceptional levels but the passion has always remained with me and as soon as I had the chance I started coaching. This great passion led me to get here within four years”

I started working with youth groups, then I worked alongside the coaches of the men’s B series. This year during the second degree course I met coach Michele Totire who presented me with this completely unexpected possibility and I wanted to take it. I am leaving the company where I grew up and I will change my life to pursue my secret dream and make my passion my main job.”

Speaking about her past, Carlotta says: “I played in the youth team in two clubs in La Spezia, then for study reasons I was away where I never stopped playing. I returned to my city for work reasons and started playing again after a couple of years of stopping. I started training with the girls first and then moved on to the men’s team at Nuova Pallavolo San Giovanni, a club that helped me grow as a coach and gave me all the tools to improve. Volleyball has always been a dream for me. Unfortunately it didn’t materialize as a player, but when I realized I had some possibilities as a coach the flame was rekindled in me. In Acqui I will be the scout of the A3 series and I will coach a youth group. As a scout it will be my first experience alone. I spent two years alongside Nuova Pallavolo San Giovanni La Spezia, where among other things I had the opportunity to get to know Pallavolo La Bollente as an opponent, but in Serie A it will be a completely different thing. I will have all the good will to study, learn and improve”

In conclusion, thanks:

“Lastly I want to thank the club I am leaving. Even though I have only been with them for two years, they have given me all the tools without which this call would not have come. I owe a lot to them and to all the people who are part of it”