Leonardo Caletti will be the second libero of Pool Libertas Cantù for the 2024/2025 season. The player from Varese reunites with Coach Alessandro Mattiroli, with whom he has worked since his first steps in the world of volleyball in Yaka Volley, also achieving promotion from Serie B to Serie A3. Last year he spent his first year in the third national series with the Rinascita Lagonegro shirt.

Coach Alessandro Mattiroli comments on the new entry: “I have known Leonardo since his first steps in the world of volleyball. We played together for 10 years, and with me he made the entire journey from the youth team to Serie B. Furthermore, last season he tried his hand in Serie A3 for the first time with Lagonegro, and I am very happy that he had this experience. He is a player who works very hard, and I am very happy that he wanted to follow me in this adventure.”

These, however, are the player’s words: “I am very happy to arrive in Cantù: for me it is a precious opportunity for growth in a historic club. Furthermore, I meet Alessandro Mattiroli, who I know very well and who I consider to be an excellent coach. I believe that this year, even more than last, will do me good. Obviously the higher the category, the higher the level, and this will serve me to put an extra brick for my growth. I followed some Serie A2 matches, and the next championship will be tough, also because it is the second national championship. We’ll have to work a lot, but I saw that the team is there: I know some players, and I’m sure we’ll be a good group. They all have a great desire to work, and this is already a very important starting point. On a personal level I would like to do better than the championship that just ended. I always give my best, I always train 100%, and what you sow you reap, as I have learned over the years. I can’t wait to get started!”.