They arrived two by two, aboard their brand new plug-in Toyota C-HR cars, they entered passing under an authentic “human tunnel” of the kids from the Juventus youth sector… the Block Devils, four days before the start of the championship of Superlega presented themselves to the fans during a spectacular evening, to say the least, hosted by the new voice of PalaEvangelisti, Giuseppe Baratta!

Institutional greetings at the opening of the presentation, with Bruno Bellarosa, marketing manager of Toy Motor of Perugia who immediately gave the floor to Juventus patron Gino Sirci, on stage together with the owner of the Toy Motor dealership in the province of Perugia, Pierfranco D’Attoma. The presentation inside the showroom establishes a new partnership between the current Campione d’Italia club and the dealership.

A presentation that this year starts in the best possible way, with a trophy already won before the start of the regular season.

«We started very well and we gave some news: Perugia continues!» President Gino Sirci said, defining the victory of the Super Cup as an important sign of continuity of results, which is not easy for a team that won everything last year!

Music, DJ sets and a giant screen on which images of the club’s greatest successes were projected were the backdrop to the event. Taking to the stage, first of all, the team’s technical and medical staff, led by the “condottiero”, coach Angelo Lorenzetti: «it is not a simple new beginning – he told the fans, present en masse – we always aim to rise high to “ruining the plans” of others. I don’t know if we are the best, but we are a very hard-working staff!