At the end of the three days of Volley Mercato in Bologna, the leaders of the Serie A Volleyball League revealed the calendars. And Belluno Volley immediately got off to a fiery start. Because the day that will kick off the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, white group, coincides with the Veneto derby against Personal Time San Donà di Piave. The date to mark in red? It is that of October 20th. The first leg match will be played at the Spes Arena, while the return match, with reversed pitches, will be staged close to Christmas: December 22nd.

IN FLIGHT – And the first trip? It will lead the blue and whites to board the flight to Sardinia. And, in particular, towards Cagliari, where coach De Cecco’s boys will face Cus on 27 October. The month of November, however, takes off from the Spes Arena and the match against the Diavoli Rosa Brugherio (Sunday 3rd): therefore, the Piedmontese away match with Negrini Cte Acqui Terme (10th), the face-to-face match with newly promoted Ancona (17th) and a new flight to Sardinia to challenge Sarroch Polisportiva (24). The first round will therefore be completed in December with home matches against ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino (Sunday 1st) and Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano (15th). And with the trip to Mantua, scheduled for the day of the Immaculate Conception.

CHRISTMAS BREAK – This season the classic San Stefano round is not scheduled and the lights of the sports halls will remain off even close to New Year’s Eve: during the Christmas holidays, the championship will observe a break and then resume on January 12th with the second day of return. And, in the case of Belluno Volley, the home match against Cus Cagliari is scheduled. The curtain on the regular season will definitively fall on March 9th, when the blue and whites will be on stage in Savigliano.

THE COMMENT – «The championship starts with a bang – says sporting director Alessandro Carniel in his comments -. The start, in particular, will be tough, if it is true that San Donà is fresh from the playoff final. A good test awaits us immediately. As well as that of Cagliari: the challenges in Sardinia are never banal. In fact, they are difficult. Then, Brugherio and Acqui Terme: the feeling is that the first four games will already make us understand who we are.” Carniel identifies the main competitor: «Acqui Terme, but they have also set up very good teams Mantova and San Giustino, while Sarroch is intriguing with Dimitrov as the new opposite and several interesting guys in place 4». Three months at the green light. And to a derby destined to immediately ignite the season.