The long series of announcements, between confirmations and new arrivals, has come to an end. The Belluno Volley roster is complete. And ready to set sail towards the next Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. He will do it with fourteen strong players: all potential starters.

In this sense, the philosophy followed when setting up the team was clear from the beginning: the season is long, the commitments are destined to increase – hopefully – with the Italian Cup and possibly the Super Cup. Consequently, it is better to have a deep staff, enriched by interchangeable athletes. Also to keep the intensity of training high during the week.

As director, the highly confirmed Leonardo Ferrato will be joined by an athlete who will be on the A3 pitches for the first time: he is the Milanese setter, Francesco Guizzardi. In the opposite role, Fabio Bisi intends to “complete the work”, as declared by the captain himself, and bring the rhinos to the top, while Stefano Guolla will act behind him: a true Belluno native, despite being born in Germany.

The central battery, however, alternates the freshness and youth of Riccardo Cengia with the multifaceted Michele Luisetto, involved in beach volleyball during the summer; the experience and centimeters of Enrico Basso (arrived from A2 and, in particular, from Pineto) to a guarantee like Matteo Mozzato, about to wear the white and blue colors for the fourth year in a row. Great variety also in the spiker department, with former Motta players Riccardo Mian and Alberto Saibene, the confirmation of Andrea Schiro and the addition of the Brazilian Enrico Guarienti Zappoli, fresh from a spell in the Super League in Catania.

Completing the group are two high-profile liberos: the former captain of San Donà, and playoff finalist, Andrea Bassanello. And the player in the squad with the highest number of appearances in the Belluno Volley jersey: Gonzalo Martinez.

Fourteen quality athletes, led by coach Matteo De Cecco. And eager to inflame the audience at the Spes Arena.