The first hug with the public: in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and participation, the official presentation of Belluno Volley took place. A special event, designed to involve supporters and further strengthen the deep bond that the club has established with the fans and the entire territory.

«We are ready to face our fourth A3 championship and every time we face a new year the goal is increasingly higher – commented president Sandro Da Rold -. Now we hope to complete the definitive leap in quality, also because the team is strengthened in every department and the technical staff is exceptional.” Two special thanks: «To Matteo Mozzato and Gonzalo Martinez, with us from the first step in A3. But, in general, all the guys will give us satisfaction. We hope to experience a season that can entertain and excite us.”

At the Spes Arena, the athletes who will wear the blue and white colors were revealed one by one: from the new ones (the setter Francesco Guizzardi, the libero Nicolò Bassanello, the central players Enrico Basso, Riccardo Cengia and Michele Luisetto, the spikers Enrico Zappoli, Riccardo Mian and Gianluca Loglisci, in addition to the returning Alberto Saibene), to the “young veterans” such as the aforementioned Mozzato and Martinez (the libero, today, blows out 22 candles), passing through a true Belluno native such as Stefano Antonio Guolla, up to the Leonardo Ferrato and Andrea Schiro confirmed. And captain Fabio Bisi, currently in the pits due to a physical problem. Together with them, the voice of the speaker Nicolò Dalla Gasperina also introduced the technical staff, led by coach Matteo De Cecco.