All without interruption with the end of the regular season set for March 9th (one day earlier for the rossoblù who will play their home matches on Saturday at 6pm in the PalaVazzieri setting).

On the occasion of the Serie A Volleyball League ceremony hosted in Bologna and which also saw the little devils (represented by the owner Marco Pulitano and the general director Gennaro Niro) rewarded for the leap into A3, the EnergyTime Spike Devils Campobasso learned about what will be their path in the championship.

«The start is certainly intricate, but it would have been so in any case – argues the rossoblù trainer Mariano Maniscalco – because we are freshman. But, after all, in a tournament like this there are no easy matches. We know we have to start from scratch with a team with many new faces in which it will be necessary to amalgamate the group. We will all have to give that little bit extra and now it will be up to me to also verify the context and understand the qualities of the individual competitors. Given the names, each team has some nice peculiarities, so it will be essential to immediately get into the mood of the A3.”

Regarding the three matches during the Christmas break «in Serie B that break was exploited for specific work, here we will have to go in continuity and we will have to adapt to the formulas, working without ifs or buts and then knowing that, in the future, we could find ourselves with matches closely in the certainty that there will not be heavy matches and other ‘lighter’ ones, but it will be necessary, in a balanced tournament, to always give our best and manage the situations as best as possible, both the positive and negative moments, i.e. to reach the first salvation is possible, which will necessarily involve a playoff placement trying to avoid the gauntlet of the playouts.”

«All – he comments – clubs, staff and cities will have to march together, adapting to a context which, for example, on the field will see us have the opportunity of a tool such as the video check to be used wisely».

Not just the championship – On the occasion of the Bolognese event, among other things, the dates of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia and the Del Monte® SuperCoppa were also set. On the first front, the top four of the two groups at the end of the first round will compete in the quarterfinals scheduled for January 8th. Two hypotheses for the qualifiers: 22 and 23 February in the case of the Final Four, 29 January semi-final and 23 February final otherwise.

The Super Cup, however, is set for March 30th.