The Begin Volley Ancona, a team that is blowing out its first candle in recent days, has written a splendid page in the sporting history of the Marche capital and is officially starting its first season in the A3 Credem Banca series, after having achieved an unforgettable promotion.

The 2024/2025 season promoted by LegaVolley starts today with The Begin which will be involved in the white group together with 9 other teams. “We are in A3 – says Guido Guidi, President of The Begin – the first objective we set ourselves has been achieved. I borrow a comparison from the tourism sector – the one to which my company The Begin Hotels, title sponsor, belongs – today we begin our journey with the light spirit of those who love to play and with the responsibility of those who want to build a community around this sport. Because for us The Begin is first and foremost a social project by and for young people.”

Last year was the victory of a close-knit and solid group, in which everyone placed their own brick, one at a time, to build a fortress that revealed itself during the brilliant season.

Thanks to a coach like Dore Della Lunga, young, good and professional, both in his technical-tactical choices and above all in his ways and words, assisted by an assistant, Paolo Monti, whose name now rhymes with experience.

All made even more granitic by a very competent and expert staff, by a sports director – Roberto “Bebi” Leonardi and by a company, led by Guido Guidi, Loredana Pistonesi and Emanuele Lodolini, who has decided to apply rigorous management logic corporate to the world of sport. Vision and concreteness, as always for Guido Guidi.

“When the project began – the words of the president of The Begin Volley, Guido Guidi – were: “We are not in Serie B, we are in Serie B. And we will get to Serie A”. Here, we did it. We are very proud, we worked with perseverance and humility. We were a group before we were even a team. We were an WE and not the collection of many I’s.”