A libero who unites all of Italy, from Brianza to Sicily. But above all a player and a person who found in Prata the ideal place to make his contribution to the volleyball that matters, with humility and a lot of commitment. We are talking about Alex Aiello who, to his and the club’s mutual satisfaction, has extended his contract with Tinet Prata for another season.
“I am very happy to renew with Volley Prata – he says – and I thank the club and the staff for their trust. From this first year in gialloblù I will certainly bring important development both on a technical and mental level. Being in contact with people who want to win every day creates the right mindset and makes everything easier”

Was the experience as you expected? Is there anything that surprised you? How do you evaluate the last championship?

“It was a growth experience, in which I learned to appreciate every detail. The company has always been on our side both in good and bad times and I am sure that this is a characteristic to be greatly appreciated because it is not easily found. One thing that amazed me was the seriousness of each Volley Prata member. Here everyone gives their 100% for the good of the team starting from the Management and the Board of Directors and continuing with all the collaborators.
The championship that has just ended was challenging but despite this we have undoubtedly shown that we can stay in the top positions of the standings, unfortunately towards the end we had some injuries that did not allow us to shine and close the season as we wanted, but we are happy to have brought Prata to its best results so far!”

The next A2 is expected to be tough. Do you see any particular favorite teams and how would you position Tinet?

“Next season will definitely be tough! Many teams are strengthening and if I had to name a few I wouldn’t have a favourite, but someone who on paper could be more annoying like Catania, Siena or Brescia. I would place the new Tinet in the top area of ​​the ranking, although you have to sweat a lot before being able to go unbalanced, I am always positive and I believe in us a lot.”

Have you already spoken to the new coach? What are your personal expectations for next season?

“I had the chance to talk to Mario and I can’t wait to start training. Personally I expect to continue to improve day by day so as to carve out space for myself and put the coach in difficulty for Sunday’s choices.”