Belluno Volley officially presents the first new addition to its roster. A novelty that coincides with a return: twelve months later, Alberto Saibene returns to wear the blue and white shirt. «The negotiation was very short – states the “puma”, during the press conference held at the headquarters of Da Rold Srl -. I am in a well-known environment, where I have many friends. The idea was to have a high-level championship and, when the company’s proposal arrived, I very willingly accepted.”

MATURE – The spiker with a past in Motta di Livenza is determined to raise the bar: «Belluno Volleyball and I are facing a growth journey. I find an even more structured reality: the fact of having reached second place and the playoff semi-final, in the third season of Serie A3, represents an important achievement.” Is he a stronger “cougar”? The field will tell. More mature? Reality says so: «In Motta we experienced some hard times, at the beginning there were some problems. But the group came out on top. And if this aspect were to arise again in the future, I would already know how to deal with it.”

EMOTIONS AS AN EX – Saibene enjoyed two polar opposite derbies, with a dominant Senini on Boxing Day and the Dolomite group dominating the return match: «Playing as an ex means savoring many beautiful emotions. The Spes Arena? As an opponent, I can assure you, it is not an easy field.” Campo who will be a friend again: «Already last season there was an important improvement. And now we want to continue this trend.”

TRUST – Sports director Alessandro Carniel has no doubts: «If I want to build strong and winning teams, I always call someone like Alberto. He is returning from an excellent season in Motta, where he had already undertaken an important path, having won the A3 and reached the playoffs in A2. Saibene has always given me the utmost trust: both on the pitch and in the locker room. We have no doubts about his abilities.”

ON THE PIECE – Stefano Da Rold has words of esteem for the twenty-six year old from Camposampiero: «We are once again embracing a serious, professional person, always on point. I’m proud that he’s back: it means he has great regard for us. And viceversa. It’s a really good shot.” The other vice president, Andrea Gallina, shares the same line of thought: «We are happy to have Alberto back. We already agreed on everything after 5 minutes, maybe less.”