The 29-year-old Brazilian spiker Alan Patrick Araujo was the latest purchase, in chronological order, in the Emma Villas Siena market. An experienced player, he played in important teams in the Carioca championship such as Sesi and Volei Renata. He is fresh from the final in the Brazilian championship, which Volei Renata lost against Sesi.

He played for several seasons at high levels in the South American tournament, one of the most beautiful and important in the world. Now, no longer at a tender age, he will have his first experience in a European championship, the Italian A2 series. Alan Patrick Araujo is already training to be ready to start physical preparation with the Sienese club in the second half of August. Physical training but also Italian lessons for him, to be able to understand the language of the Bel Paese.

Alan Patrick Araujo, how did your transfer to Emma Villas Siena materialize?
When my season in Brazil ended, my agent called me and told me that a proposal had arrived for me from Italy, and more precisely from the Siena team. I accepted immediately. Italian volleyball is very well known and respected in Brazil.

What do you expect from the Italian championship?
I hope for a strong, exciting and contested championship. With a super high level that is worthy of what is known about the Italian championship.

You have just experienced the final of the Brazilian championship: what memories and sensations do you carry with you after this important sporting year?
We have had a very intense season. The Brazilian championship was level and balanced between the teams until the end. The feeling I carry inside me after this year is that we must never stop working, regardless of the moment, whether it is bad or very good. The work and confidence in preparation and training must be greater than everything.

What are your goals and dreams regarding this first experience in Europe?
My team goals are to get to the final again and try to win the championship. Personal goals are to continue to grow as an athlete and as a human being. Always trying to learn.