Negrini CTE Acqui Terme has a new power station. The first new face that Pallavolo La Bollente presents in view of the next season is Federico Mazza, born in 1996, a player accustomed to playing on higher category stages.

In his career, in fact, after growing up in the Vero Volley academy, he boasts seven seasons in Serie A2, of which six in Cantù (from 2015 to 2017 and from 2019 to 2023) interspersed with an experience in Catania in the 2018 season/ 19 and one in Monza in Serie A1 in the 2017-18 season.

After the Como experience, a year in Sabaudia in A3 with which he found salvation and now he is ready to return to the north with the Negrini CTE shirt.

Regarding his experience, Federico says:

“Sabaudia was my first experience in A3. I have almost always been in Cantù. I grew up in the Vero Volley nursery where one year I joined the first A1 team as fourth, it was an exciting experience that allowed me to first time to deal with high-level realities. I wanted to have an experience in Catania, after which I spent another four wonderful years in Cantù, then last year I wanted to change the scene and look for new stimuli by moving down the category. in the end we saved ourselves with a ninth place. I’m also very satisfied with my personal statistics.”