Another novelty in the name of the green line at ABBA Pineto. The blue and white club is pleased to formalize the arrival, for the 2024/25 sports season, of Gioele Favaro, spiker and receiver born in 2003 (he will turn 21 in November), fresh from his experience in Serie A3 with the San Donà di Piave ended with the play-off final lost against Fano.

Originally from Camposampiero (Padua), Favaro made his senior debut with Massanzago, in Serie B, a move that earned him a call from Volley Treviso with which, between 2020 and 2022, he achieved a second and third place nationally youth. Two years ago for the new place four of ABBA, 192 centimeters available, year in Serie A2 Credem Banca with the Tuscans of Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce, before arriving in San Donà di Piave, in Veneto, where he closed the season with 295 points in 88 sets played (251 in attack, 23 aces and 21 blocks).

Gioele Favaro’s first words as an ABBA Pineto player: “I am happy and excited to live next season in Pineto. For me it will be a leap in category but I am ready to demonstrate my potential at this level too. I really liked the club’s project and I am sure that, together with the whole team, we will bring great emotions to all the Pala Santa Maria fans.”

After the arrivals of Mattia Catone and Iurisci, aged 23 and 16 respectively, it is therefore clear the intent of the club directed by president Guido Abbondanza to include talented young players in the roster that will face the next Serie A2, in a championship that promises to be once again very competitive. Meanwhile, the strengthening campaign continues and new official announcements will follow in the next few days.