Rana Verona’s setter has welcomed a new member for the 2024/2025 season: Konstantin Abaev, born in 1999 and 197 centimeters tall. After distinguishing himself as one of the best performers in the role of setter in the Russian top league, he is preparing to compete with his Super League opponents. Abaev officially presented himself at the new Autoteam9 | headquarters in via Gardesane Move, confirmed Mobility Partner of Verona Volley again next year.

Stefano Fanini, President of Verona Volley, was the first to speak: “First of all, I thank Autoteam9 and in particular Vito for his hospitality. I wanted to be present at this conference because in addition to the sporting aspect, Autoteam9 is an excellent partner who has believed in us since year zero and we are grateful for this. They have supported us and have always increased their participation, as demonstrated by last year’s upgrade for the Youth Sector. The business aspect is as fundamental as the technical one. Therefore, knowing that you have partners who are increasingly passionate about you is lifeblood.”