Appointment with history for Smartsystem Fano who, on Sunday 12 May at 7pm in the Palas Allende fort, will play the final of game 1 of the promotion play-offs against Personal Time San Donà.

Opposite there will be the third of the white group (San Donà) and the second of the blue group (Fano), who arrive at this appointment after overcoming Cagliari, Lagonegro and Mantova (San Donà) while Fano eliminated Modica, Motta from the promotion race of Livenza and Belluno.

Moretti’s team was able to take advantage of a few more days of rest but the Virtussini arrive at this match in great shape and with the field factor in their favour: “We have grown a lot in the last few months – says the Bulgarian Dimitrov – to win with us you have to play a super game. Let’s put the enthusiasm aside and think about the match against San Donà.”

The Venetians have players in their squad who have grown a lot during the play-offs, one of these is the 2003-born Francesco Guastamacchia (central), but it is clear that everything will revolve around the thirty-four-year-old striker Stefano Giannotti who, after having had a league average of 19.1 points per game, in these playoffs he is traveling at around 25 winning balls per game. Tulone from Agrigento will be the dribbler while the former Torino player Umek and the revelation Favaro will play on the bench. The other central defender will be the expert Iorno. Free Bassanello. Thus Pietro Merlo: “Concentrate against a difficult opponent – ​​says the hitter from Thiene – aim to serve well and make the most of the field factor. I’m sure we will give everything we have inside of us.”