Fighting to the end, uniting in difficult moments: this is how Sir Susa Vim Perugia won its sixth Super Cup, dragging a match that had been going uphill to a tiebreak, against an opponent, Itas Trentino who, left “orphaned” by Kamil Rychlicki, injured in the semi-final against Monza, launched a wild Gabi Garcia from the first minute (24 points on the scoresheet for the young Puerto Rican opponent) and contained, in the second and third sets, the attacks of the Italian Champions with numerous blocks (there will be 18 in the end of the match).

But Angelo Lorenzetti’s boys found the key to getting back up, pushing on serve and attack, speeding up the game and limiting errors. A victory of the head and of the heart, above all a team victory!

Driven by over 500 fans who colored a good portion of Palawanni white, the Block Devils asserted themselves firmly in the fourth set and won the tiebreak by a wide margin (15-9).

The team finished with 5 aces, 9 blocks, 50% effectiveness in attack. Among the applause for a victory that opens in the best way the season which will begin on Sunday with game 1, at home, against Rana Verona.

MVP of the tournament is the Japanese spiker Yuki Ishikawa, the man who set the seal in both yesterday’s semi-final and today’s final. Best scorer of the vial with 20 points, with 47% in attack and two blocks.


Parziali: 25-18, 19-25, 15-25, 25-17, 15-9

ARBITRI: Dominga Lot, Andrea Pozzato (Massimiliano Giardini)
VIDEOCHECK: Yuri Armelani
SEGNAPUNTI: Rebecca Vannini

SIR SUSA VIM PERUGIA: Giannelli 6, Ben Tara 14, Russo 7, Loser 6, Semeniuk 15, Ishikawa 20, Colaci (libero), Herrera 1, Cianciotta. N.e: Plotnytskyi, Piccinelli (libero), Candellaro, Zoppellari.  All. Angelo Lorenzetti, vice all. Massimiliano Giaccardi.

ITAS TRENTINO: Sbertoli 3, Garcia 24, Kozamernik 6, Flavio 12, Lavia 9, Michieletto 11, Laurenzano (libero), Magalini, Acquarone, Bristot. N.e: Pellicani, Bartha  Pesaresi (libero) .

All. Fabio Soli, vice all. Adriano Di Pinto

LE CIFRE – PERUGIA:  20 b.s.,  5ace, 35% ric. pos., 14% ric. prf., 50% att., 9 muri.
ITAS TRENTINO:  20 b.s., 5 ace, 46% ric. pos., 24% ric. prf., 43% att., 18 muri.