June 2nd on our calendar is a date marked in red. It’s Republic Day. Seventy-eight years ago there was the institutional referendum with Italians called to the polls to decide what form of state Italy should be. Our compatriots had to choose between monarchy or republic.

On that 2nd and 3rd June 1946 there was the first universal suffrage vote in which women also participated.

The Republicans won, after 85 years of reign, on 18 June 1946 the Supreme Court sanctioned the birth of the Italian Republic.

Today, like every day of our lives, we should be grateful to those Italians who gave us the Republic.

Today a tricolor proudly flies on every public building.

Fratelli D’Italia

L’Italia s’è desta

Dell’elmo di Scipio

S’è cinta la testa

Brothers of Italy,
Italy has awakened,
of Scipio’s helmet
she put her head on it.

Happy June 2nd everyone, and long live our Republic.