The third and final day of the Final Eight of the Del Monte® Junior League 2024, scheduled for Sunday 2 June at the Palasport in Ozzano dell’Emilia (province of Bologna), will offer the Youth Sector of Trentino Volley the opportunity to go back in search of the absolute victory of the Italian Under 20 championship organized by the Serie A Volleyball League for its associated clubs.
After a promising group stage, characterized by two victories in three matches in Pool D (finishing in second place), the team coached by Francesco Conci this evening at the PalaKennedy in San Lazzaro di Savena has in fact obtained qualification for the Final due to first place of the event thanks to the success over the defending champions Monza 3-0 in the semi-final. The one that will be played on Sunday afternoon at 4.30 pm against Ravenna or Brugherio (live streaming at the link will therefore be the eighth final ever for the Via Trener Club in the single competition, with the gialloblù in the past have already won the gold medal three times (the last time in 2015, in Castellana Grotte).
Access to the match that will award the trophy came at the end of a match in which the Trentino team did well to contain the initial outburst of the Brianza team; after canceling five set points in the first set, Bernardis and his teammates took control of the match, taking advantage of the second opportunity to close at 30-28 and, in fact, leaving no room for their opponents to reply in the subsequent fractions. Thanks to great continuity in the ball exchange phase, a stellar attack (59% of the team, with a peak of 70% in the last period) and a very incisive serve, Itas Trentino led the second and third sets without particular difficulties , closing the match with the maximum margin.
“We played a very high level semi-final, tactically and mentally – explained coach Francesco Conci -; thanks to the serve we managed to get the better of the tug-of-war of the first set. Winning that part gave us great confidence even for those subsequent matches, in which we were very consistent in all the fundamentals and proved to be very complete and varied in our game. I am very happy with the progress that the team has made in this last period; we wanted this Final and now we will play it to the fullest.”

Pool D
Itas Trentino-Kioene Padova 3-0
(25-23, 25-14, 25-17)
ITAS TRENTINO: Fedrici 3, Pellacani 9, Bernardis 3, Bristot 14, Sandu 13, Brignach 15, Graziani (L); Spagnolli, Braito, Pesce. N.e. Frassanella, Dietre, Taddei. All. Francesco Conci.
KIOENE PADOVA: Piovan, Bergamasco 11, Streliotto 2, Michielon 5, Benetazzo 10, Galiazzo 3, Sella (L); Cesaro 3, Ghiraldo, Bortoletto 3, Lazzari. N.e. Pagliaro e Munarini. All. Fabiano Cecchinato.
DURATA SET: 26’, 20’, 22’; tot 1h e 8’.
NOTE: Itas Trentino: 7 muri, 7 ace, 13 errori in battuta, 2 errori in attacco, 62% in attacco, 56% (46%) in ricezione. Kioene Padova: 5 muri, 4 ace, 6 errori in battuta, 8 errori in attacco, 38% in attacco, 52% (33%) in ricezione.

Mint Vero Volley Monza-Itas Trentino 0-3
(28-30, 21-25, 15-25)
MINT VERO VOLLEY: Pertoldi 4, Taiwo 1, Frascio 13, Magliano 10, Ciampi 9, Mariani 1, Morazzini (L); Biffi, Latella, Franchini, Sacco 2. N.e. Reseghetti, Brienza, Caporossi. All. Mauro Marchetti.
ITAS TRENTINO: Pellacani 12, Bernardis 6, Bristot 17, Sandu 7, Brignach 12, Fedrici 9, Graziani (L); Spagnolli, Frassanella. N.e. Pesce, Braito, Dietre, Taddei e Battisti. All. Francesco Conci.
DURATA SET: 31’, 26’, 24’; tot 1h e 21’.
NOTE: Mint Vero Volley: 4 muri, 3 ace, 9 errori in battuta, 6 errori in attacco, 41% in attacco, 45% (29%) in ricezione. Itas Trentino: 8 muri, 10 ace, 17 errori in battuta, 4 errori in attacco, 59% in attacco, 66% (32%) in ricezione.