The deadline for submitting admission documents to the SuperLega, Serie A2 and Serie A3 Credem Banca 2024/2025 Championships expired yesterday, Monday 24 June. The Serie A Volleyball League Championship Admission Commission now begins examining the forms submitted by the eligible Clubs. The Commission will close the minutes by Wednesday 3 July and will deliver to the FIPAV and the Board of Directors of the Volleyball League the official list of teams participating in the 80th Serie A Credem Banca Championship.

Campi Reali Cantù has also completed the registration procedure for the thirteenth time in its history, the twelfth in a row: “I am very proud to confirm the registration of our team, which will be ‘branded’ for the first time Campi Reali, for the thirteenth time at the Serie A2 Credem Banca championship – comments President Ambrogio Molteni –. We are the longest-standing club in the category, which also demonstrates the care with which we have worked over all these years, in the face of many friends who have instead been lost. I would like to take this opportunity again to thank the Tullii family for the new sponsorship, and BCC Cantù for their support not only as a sponsor but also as a guarantor of the guarantees we have given to face the championship. Even if the costs rise every year, it will be our responsibility to continue with the policy pursued in all these years. I hope that the fans will appreciate our effort and come in large numbers to support us!”.