Over 1300 Modena Volley season tickets have been renewed in the first phase and starting from Monday there will be a possible change of place! Thanks to the Modena public and to the Irriducibili Gialloblù from president Gabana. The numbers relating to the Modena Volley season ticket campaign are important, in fact over 1300 cards were renewed during the first phase, which allowed fans to guarantee their place again for the next one season. Now a few days of break and from Monday the second phase begins, which will run from 17 to 23 June and will give the possibility of renewing the season ticket with a change of place.
The free sale will start on June 24th and will be open until the first home championship match and will be dedicated to all those who wish to sign up for a new season ticket.
“As always, the Modena public proves to be special – explains President Giulia Gabana -, with a passion and warmth that are our main strength. This was demonstrated in the year of Covid with that act of faith that will remain in history and is proving it today too.
On behalf of the entire club, I thank those who have placed their trust in us and will continue to do so.
I would like to thank the management and all the Irriducibili who in these thirteen years have demonstrated infinite passion, given life to choreographies that have gone down in history, contributed in a fundamental way to making the PalaPanini a warm and unique place, for those who wore the shirt yellow-blue. On the controversy fueled by the media involving the company and the Irriducibili, I would like to underline how it is physiological that after so many years the people who make up the Board can struggle to reconcile the commitments of organized support with those of each other’s lives and have come to be , as they themselves say, “a little tired”. The dialogue with the Irriducibili Board of Directors has been constant in these two years, we have discussed each season several times, always giving them maximum availability but always leaving the independence that they rightly claimed. There was no lack, as is normal and as it has always been before me, of different points of view, dynamics that are part of the normal relationship that is established between a club and every organized fan base, but I remain convinced that it was a dialogue sincere and animated by the only common passion for the fate of our team. The bond with the people who were part of the Irriducibili certainly does not end here, we will always meet at the Palace, to cheer for our heart colors.