The fourth success in as many preseason matches confirms the good work done in the first five weeks of preparation by Chicco Blengini’s staff. Only three sets, one of which with ball exchange and confirmation ball, but many useful indications in the joint training between Cucine Lube Civitanova and Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina, such as the growth in the form of Ivan Zaytsev, top scorer with 17 points and constant in reception, but also the good impact of Simone Anzani. Despite having recently started jumping again, the center back proposed his movements and allowed himself to block someone who was highly applauded by the numerous enthusiasts present at the Eurosuole Forum. The Tsar and ‘Anza’ themselves expressed their opinion on a derby in the Marche region which gave glimpses of authentic competitive spirit thanks to the good resistance of the guests.

Ivan Zaytsev: “We finally managed to put in some match rhythm thanks to the guys from Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina who came to visit us for another direct preseason match. We put into play everything we tried to do during these weeks of preparation. Sometimes we succeeded, sometimes less. We are still talking about work in progress, so there were good plays to insist on, but also defects to correct. My condition is far from being optimal but we we’re working. There’s a month left until the start of the Regular Season and there’s time to find the support of the golden times!”.

Simone Anzani: “For me it was nice to relive the court rotations and everything that revolves around playing volleyball. Logically the form is what it is, we will have to wait because my recovery path, after a few months of stopping, is still long. The path taken is the good one. These joint training sessions give a bit of rhythm and serve to oil those mechanisms of the match that we cannot always try during our sessions with reduced ranks. They are good tests even if we face lower category teams. We are talking about complete teams, with a good level of play and who don’t hold back. The first set lost proves it. Little by little we will find the rhythm and the condition to be ready, in a month’s time, for our debut in the SuperLega Credem Banca”.