Alessandro Tondo warns his team: «What we have to fear most is their desire for revenge. In Vibo they fielded a somewhat opaque and subdued performance which they certainly are not satisfied with nor do they intend to settle for it. For this reason I am convinced that we will find them much more aggressive and with a great desire to win the game and extend the series».

The second round of the final series of the Men’s Serie A2 Credem Banca Promotion Play Offs is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 10 May starting at 19:30, which will see Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia engaged in the “PalaIntred” against Agnelli Tipiesse Bergamo.

After the over the top performance on last Sunday’s taraflex friend, when the team of president Pippo Callipo overcame the Bergamo team with the score of three sets to zero, the Giallorossi will look for the fantastic “encore” in Lombardy, to guarantee the first of any three match points for the immediate return to the SuperLega which will be played in the match scheduled for next Sunday at the “PalaMaiata” at 18:00.

The Orobic formation in front of its own public has as its main objective that of impacting the series on the 1-1 after the KO in Race-1 in Calabria. President Angelo Agnelli’s team is aware that it will have to sell dearly to adequately hinder the boys led by the Brazilian coach Cesar Douglas, who appeared extremely motivated, concentrated and determined in the first match of the series.