After that of Sperandio, another confirmation of weight arrives in the central department of Delta Group Porto Viro: Rocco Barone will play in black and fuchsia again next season, his third consecutive at the court of the Veronese President.

Born in 1987, 198 centimeters tall, Barone is an authentic totem of Italian volleyball. Thirteen seasons of SuperLega, five of Serie A2 Credem Banca, 25 appearances for the senior national team (with a European silverware), more than 2,300 points scored in his career.

In Porto Viro, “Veleno” – the nickname given to him by Gino Sirci at the time of Perugia – has found a second youth, as well as a second home. Two seasons ago he contributed decisively to salvation, achieved at the photo finish; last year the prize was even richer, third place in the final standings of the regular season. Important goals, strong emotions, which perhaps the athlete born in Palmi, in the province of Reggio Calabria, had already experienced in the past and in other clubs, but which today, with the nerofuchsia shirt, have a special flavour.

“I am happy to be able to continue the adventure with the Delta for another year and I would like to thank the club for their trust – declares Barone on the occasion of the renewal – Here I have lived two truly incredible seasons, the first ended with a sensational salvation at the The last day, which is certainly the best memory I carry within me of these two years, and the last one sealed by a well-deserved third place in the regular season, an historic milestone for a relatively small and young reality like Porto Viro in volleyball, as well as a great satisfaction for all of us athletes”.

The confirmed Barone and Sperandio, the newcomer Zamagni, and in the next few weeks a central fourth could also arrive. The competition will be really thick in place three this year: “We know each other with Zamagni, we were teammates in Siena three years ago, he is a high-level player. With him and Sperandio we form a huge pack of centre-backs and I think the coach will benefit from it, who will have more options available. What personal goals have I set for next season? Always the same – continues Barone -, working hard every day to put my qualities and experience in the service of the team on Sunday”.