With the PalaPanini match, the curtain fell on the WithU Verona season, which has given great satisfaction to its fans and to the whole environment from October to today. The hosts of the Valsa Group had the upper hand at the end of a balanced and hard-fought match, thus excluding coach Stoytchev’s team from the next phase of the tournament which offers access to the Challenge Cup. The journey of the Scaligeri in SuperLega Credem Banca 2022/2023 with 5th place at the end of the Regular Season and an incredible series in the Quarter Finals of the Scudetto which saw them come close to a historic qualification for the Semifinals.

Over the four sets played in Emilia, the Veronese team struggled more than usual to move from the side lanes, finding greater continuity from place three. In fact, the centre-backs who took to the field repeatedly signed the match, putting a total of 16 points on the scoresheet. Cortesia made 6 with 62% positivity. Same loot for Mosca, who also blocked his opponents twice by block. An important contribution also came from Zanotti, capable of printing as many as three monster blocks.

In the band department there was a welcome return from the first minute, namely Mads Jensen. In his debut as a starter this season, the Danish opposite has become the protagonist with 4 points, one of which directed from nine meters. The best scorer among the Scala ranks, on the other hand, was Noumory Keita, who spiced up his performance with 16 balls placed on the ground. 3 aces also arrived for him, making him the player to have signed the most in the whole game. Department mate Rok Mozic finished with 14 points, while libero Gaggini stood out in reception with 62% positivity.