The Admission Commission to the Lega Volleyball Serie A Championships, set up pursuant to the provisions of the combined provisions of the Lega Statute and the Admission Regulations to the Serie A Championships, has completed its examination of the documents presented by 52 Clubs entitled to request the registration for the Credem Banca Serie A Championships. All 52 companies were found to possess the requisites required by the Regulation. The list was sent to the Italian Volleyball Federation for the ratification of the official admission to the next championship. There will be 12 teams taking part in the SuperLega, 14 in Serie A2, 26 in Serie A3.

And for the twelfth season, the eleventh in a row, Pool Libertas Cantù will also be regularly at the starting line of the Serie A2 Credem Banca Championship. This is a historic result for Como volleyball. In fact, no team had previously managed to reach the second national championship, remaining there for so many seasons.

“For the twelfth year we will compete in the Serie A2 Championship, eleven of which are consecutive – comments the President Ambrogio Molteni -. I am very satisfied that all the documentation we have sent, from the surety, to the financial statements, to the PalaFrancescucci approval reports, have had the approval of the Supervisory Commission of the Serie A Volleyball League without any request for integration. I can say that it was an important job, done thanks in particular to the invaluable help of our friend and accountant, Rag. Piero Pirini, as well as BCC Cantù for the surety, and the Mayor of Como Alessandro Rapinese, who has granted us the use of the Palafrancescucci, and whom I hope to find again soon to continue the good relationship that has been established, also in view of works that we should plan for next season, and of an always fruitful collaboration in the coming years. This year we’re going to invest a significant amount as the Volleyball League forces us to have LEDs to put on the sidelines, as well as we’ll put a giant screen at our expense to see both the score and the Videoceck. Every year we are called to make investments to increase the level of services to be given to sponsors and the public. From next Tuesday, then, we will have the Volleyball market for 3 days in Bologna, where we will have to complete the registrations of the athletes, and where we will then already have the calendars of the matches for the next season which will start on October 15th”.