A long history that began in 1985 with the opening of an authorized Volvo Trucks workshop in Contrada Cubba in Misterbianco (Catania). Today, the Gangi and Spalletta families manage two Volvo vehicle sales and service organizations (Truck & Cars), Isuzu and Daf Trucks, with a coverage that covers all of Sicily and a passion for the automotive industry that grows year after year, for guarantee the quality of a service that is increasingly in step with the times. The companies Over s.r.l and Covei s.r.l, which had already supported the Volley Saturnia project last year, are renewing their commitment with even greater strength.

“Our company has always been close to the world of sport, with sponsorships in the field of motorcycling and cycling, as well as in those of football and volleyball. – says Salvatore Gangi, director of Covei and Over together with his partner Antonino Spalletta – We had already started this partnership last year, seized by the enthusiasm of a project by the president Luigi Pulvirenti which had the support of a company like Farmitalia of Fabio Scaccia, and a valuable management staff. We have a common vision: we share those values, typical of volleyball, which are the basis of all good teamwork. These are the principles that guide our entire organization, which today has 78 collaborators (with a growth forecast of 90 by the end of 2024): with them we team up to satisfy our customers. We will not simply be sponsors for Saturnia, we will be present as fans, to support this wonderful adventure which also has a strong social impact that is very important for our territory”.