Also the debut in Serie A3 for Sarlux Sarroch will be in the hands of Marco Franchi. A very strong bond that binds the Roman coach to the Gialloblu association, a matter of esteem and trust acquired over the course of four seasons marked by a path of constant growth and culminating in his promotion to Serie A after a clear ride without even a defeat.

Coach Franchi presents the next season:

“I’m very satisfied because we managed to complete the roster in a very short time, the market phase is always difficult and complicated but essential to lay the best foundations for the season. We will have a mix between players who have been yellow and blue since last year, if not before, and new players who already know Serie A. We made our debut with the signing of Marco Fabroni, a very high quality and experienced setter, his arrival allowed us to look to next season with optimism because his technical and human baggage will be useful on the pitch but above all for the growth of the whole team, especially for the boys who have never experienced the category. The leap from B is very important, just think how much the safety quota has risen, we have gone from the 27/29 points of the past seasons to the 31 that served to play the playouts of the season that has just ended. This will be our challenge, a year in which we will have to face every race thinking of having to collect points everywhere because everyone will be fundamental. It seems to me that we have put together a good roster, then the pitch will tell us how good it is, but in my opinion we have made clear our intention to face the category in the best possible way. We will go through difficult times, we will have to adapt to a new environment and a much higher level of volleyball, we will all have to question ourselves to get the best possible result”

#ForzaSarroch #CuoreGialloblu

#A3MVolley #CredemBanca