Born in 2000, permanently in the Albanian national team, and already with a large baggage of experience in the French, Turkish and Polish top divisions. This is the identikit of the new spiker of Pool Libertas Cantù, Redi Bakiri. This is his first season in the Serie A2 Credem Banca field, but since January he has been training constantly with Emma Villas Aubay Siena (SuperLega), after starting the season in the Austrian league.

“We chose Bakiri after a careful evaluation of what the market offered – says Coach Francesco Denora -. Redi struck us for his technical and physical qualities: he has a remarkable explosiveness that he exploits in attack, and also a good fantasy of shots. But above all, he struck us with his desire to emerge, his classic competitive hunger, something that must never be lacking in a team like ours, where we don’t go crazy shopping on the market. Furthermore. despite his young age. he already has his international experience both with clubs and with his national team. From the first talks, I think it won’t take long to settle in and integrate into the club, and we’ll do our best to speed up this process.”

“This is a great opportunity for me – confesses the spiker -. I love Italy, I know the language and I’ve already had an experience in Siena that I really enjoyed. I can’t wait to start training and meet my new teammates. I’ve already talked to the coach (Coach Francesco Denora, ed), and I had a good impression. Serie A2 is a beautiful but difficult championship, with many competitive teams, and I like this challenge. I would like to be able to do well with my teammates, and get to the Promotional Play Offs. On a personal level, I’d like to improve as much as possible to be a strong point of the team: I like to work hard and I think I’m in the best place to do it”.