The preparation for the Superlega Credem Banca di Allianz Milano 2023/24 championship started a few days ago and it is already time for the first away game. Tomorrow, Thursday 7 September, the team will leave its Milan for the first time to reach nearby Cornaredo and the Sandro Pertini Municipal Sports Centre. A special day for the team, with the eight protagonists of next season Matteo Piano, Matey Kaziyski, Paolo Porro, Damiano Catania, Nicola Zonta, Andra Innocenzi and Luca Colombo engaged in athletics, beach volleyball and pool activities.

With the top players of the president Lucio Fusaro there will also be the Diavoli Rosa of the A3 series with the coach Davide Delmati, who in these days of absence of coach Roberto Piazza and the second Nicola Daldello (present only yesterday and today ed), for the commitments with the national teams, he is giving support to the Powervolley technical staff.
The weekly stage on Thursday in Cornaredo will continue throughout the m

September and represents an important value, which goes beyond the use of the sports facility, as underlined Massimo Achini, vice president of Powervolley Milano and president of the Milanese CSI. The CSI is also a member of the consortium that has been managing the “Sandro Pertini” for two years, a sports center covering an area of ​​over 66,000 square meters where around ten indoor and outdoor sports are practiced.

“This is the home of grassroots sport – underlines Achini – and I believe that the embrace between a team of professional champions and many young and old who practice different disciplines has an important meaning”.

“15 local sports clubs train regularly in Cornaredo and for these athletes to have one day a week alongside Matteo Piano or Kaziyski will be truly extraordinary. On the other hand, sport is an alliance, even between those who are more or less gifted – adds Achini – with initiatives such as Training for Future, we already create this type of collaboration, but I think that Thursday for many boys and girls it will be a nice surprise to see the the champions of Allianz Milano”.