Yet another confirmation at Volleyball Bari: the Polish spiker Michał Wójcik will be red and white again next season.
President Antonio Laforgia’s company wanted to keep close to another driver from the 2022/2023 roster, still focusing on his important technical skills, the variety of his attacking shots and the quality of his serve. It is no coincidence, in fact, that 41 of the 323 points he scored in the last championship came from serving.
Looking for his definitive consecration with the Bari shirt, Bartoszyce’s left-handed hammer is ready to start his third adventure in Italy: «I’m staying in red and white with great motivation, proud to continue being part of this sporting project and happy to be able to spend another year in a beautiful city like Bari – declares Wójcik -. The company has worked impeccably in the market to build a team worthy of the A3. I can’t wait to start working with my new teammates and coach Paolo Falabella. His indications and advice will help me to express my full potential in this championship, which promises to be as competitive, balanced and exciting as the one already played last season».